e-Nable Greece’s main objective is fulfilling essential needs of our society and evolving solutions to everyday problems with the use of new technologies. Our community is made up of teachers, engineers, scientists, psychologists and dreamers. We focus mainly on the needs of vulnerable members of our society, such as people with disabilities, refugees, homeless and others. One of the main activities of e-Nable Greece is the building of assistive prosthetic devices of upper limbs for amputee children or adults with the use of 3D Printing technology.
Moreover e-Nable Greece focus on the education of people of all ages in the use of new technologies (3D printing, STEM, Arduino) especially for these applications which facilitate our everyday life or improve the life quality of the aforementioned vulnerable groups. Apart from the skills and competences development, additional aims of this educational orientation are the social engagement of the educated people, the development of volunteerism, activation of empathy and increase of innovation and initiative.
More about e-Nable.