Mazí is an accommodation project that addresses the problems of homelessness and lack of social provisions which particularly affect young single male asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. It is both a stepping stone to independence and an opportunity for residents to build community and mutual bonds of support. They run a flat for men between 18-25 who have been forcibly displaced from their countries of origin and were previously homeless. The flat provides a safe space that gives opportunity for and connections to psychosocial support, education and employment opportunities. They offer material and social support with the aim that residents become independent and included in Greek society by the end of the project’s year long program.
The team consists of four people on the ground in Athens: Katerina Alexoupolou, currently in training to be a clinical psychologist, co-coordinates Mazí, Julia Kirmes-Daly, who has extensive experience in grassroots projects for displaced people, also co-cordinates the project, Nuru Sheikh, the Mazí house manager, and Noam Harris, the project coordinator.
More about Mazi Housing Project.