The Hellenic Coaching Association offers on a voluntary basis, within the framework of the Hosting and Empowerment Programme of Social Dynamo, a pro-bono executive coaching program, to the members of the hosted groups of Social Dynamo that maintain a legal entity. The Hellenic Coaching Association/EMCC Greece (HCA) launched the Solidarity Coaching project in 2011. Our aim is to support non governmental, non profit organizations to improve their results through coaching.
We offer customized, pro-bono executive coaching programs to members of the management teams and other executives of NGOs, in one of the following areas: Improvement of Personal Performance, Leadership Skills Development, Transition or Promotion to a Higher Position, Improvement of Personal Skills & Competencies (e.g. Communication, Negotiation, Interpersonal Relationships, etc), Management of Work Issues .
The coaching is offered by volunteer, experienced HCA coaches, for a set period of time of up to 6 months. All HCA volunteer coaches have been selected by an independent committee of assessors based on criteria such as experience and training. In addition, they uphold the HCA- EMCC Code of Ethics and they commit to participating in regular group supervision sessions that are organised by HCA.