March 08, 2021
12:00 - 14:00
Description and target audience:
Matchmaking workshop for CSOs from Greece and entities from the Donor States of the EEA Financial Mechanism, in light of the open call of the Active Citizens Fund in Greece “Promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence”. The workshop is directed to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in Greece, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, who are focusing on any aspect of gender equality promotion and are looking for fruitful partnerships on this front.
Aims: Such events aim to establish direct contacts among CSOs from Greece and entities from the Donor States to exchange ideas on specific topics of common interest, relevant to the priorities of the Active Citizens Fund. The specific matchmaking workshop is designed to promote project partnerships and joint activities, as well as the exchange of knowledge and best practices on gender-related topics.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the workshop will be organized online bringing together CSOs from Greece and entities from the Donor States that work on gender issues, so that they interact with each other, identify areas of common interest and common challenges, and discuss initial ideas with the aim to eventually shape them into concrete joint project proposals. The workshop aspires to provide the circumstances for more joint proposals from Greek and Donor States’ actors, under the open call of the Active Citizens Fund in Greece “Promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence”, with a deadline for submission of applications on April 12th, 2021.
What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, other than identifying ways to attain gender equality working together and learn from the experience of Donor state entities on the issue?
- 12.00-12.30: Welcome and brief presentation of the Open Call “Promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence”
- 12.30-13.30: Matchmaking in groups
3 group exercises to identify common challenges, possible activities to address them and the benefits of a partnership.
- 13.30-14.00: Return to plenary session for closing remarks